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Name The GOP Convention Blog

I have to give the convention people credit for trying to involve visitors and get a community together around the upcoming convention. While I have my doubts about building a vibrant community around an event destined to vanish from consciousness in 5 months, at least their trying. I wish them well.
My only real

Funniest Conversation Ever

I thought I’d share a conversation I had with a lawyer a few minutes ago. It was particularly amusing for what it reveals about the view some people have of what we do.
Me: Hey, did you get a chance to review that document I sent you yesterday.
Lawyer: I sent it to a couple of

Testing Utterz

Since I am sitting in a weekly meeting in a board room that seats about 40, and the conversation has turned considerably dry, I thought I’d give Utterz a try.If all goes well, I’ve set the account up properly using my cell ‘s browser, and configured my blog connection right, in about 10 minutes, this

Spitzer’s Stepford Wife

I’ve had two thoughts on the Spitzer scandal today. First, I feel horrible for his kids. I can’t imagine the hell they’re going to catch as a result of this. It’s sad that people in positions like Spitzer’s so rarely think of the damage they’re inflicting on those around them.
The second thought

Barack to Hillary: F-You

After a weekend filled with Hillary playing up the idea of a joint ticket, Obama responds back in his speech in Columbus, Mississippi. The short version? ‘No Friggin’ Way!’ He unequivocally stated that he was uninterested in a joint ticket – going so far as to say that she and McCain represent

Hillary Clinton Crosses Her Heart

Hillary has a new web ad up on at least a handful of sites. The creative is a little uninspiring, but what really caught my attention was what they say without saying a word. Here’s a grab of the ad:

What’s most interesting about the ad is their choice of picture. It’s especially