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Hillary Clinton

This Should Be Hillary Clinton’s Strategy

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will engage in a bitter, backbiting exchange of insults for the next three months, culminating in the ugliest, least presidential, Presidential election of all time. The insults and jabs will fly fast and furious and in the end the US will elect a candidate so horribly tarnished that he or


Republicans for Johnson-Weld

This is the first of what will be two posts this morning. Given my relatively infrequent updates, that is like coming out of semi-retirement. But the two posts, as you will see, are closely related.
First, today I am joining with a number of good friends to announce the formation of Republicans for Johnson-Weld. This is


Grand Unified Theory of Trumpism

Trump does not, and never did want, to be President. He is pushing the boundary of crazy not because he is crazy but simply because he is actively trying to go too far.


No! Your Candidate Couldn’t Win Even If There Was No Primary!

Every year I hear people say “He/she could win the general, but they could never win the primaries.” The latest was someone who tried to convince me that Chris Christie could be elected President if only that pesky GOP primary system didn’t preclude it. Here’s the reality… NOBODY could win the Presidency in a two party