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You Had Me At ‘Fish Biscuit’

I was going to post on this yesterday, but got carried away railing against Cox’s piece on web 2.0.
Lost, so far this season, has been phenomenal. I was pretty unhappy with last season, and to be honest I’m not thrilled that they plan to take a break for three months between the first half

Cold Soup

The oddly titled discussion site “HotSoup” is up and running. Sadly, it’s even worse than I had suspected it would be. I honestly don’t know where to begin with a critical review.
From a design perspective, it make little sense to me to put the one clear piece of dynamic

Why John Kerry Won’t Get The Nod in 2008

At the end of the 2004 election, it was discovered that John Kerry was sitting on nearly $14 million dollars. A lot of Democrats at the time were pissed to learn that he could possibly have won Ohio if only he hadn’t clung to the cash.
Now, with Democrats taking out a $5 to $10

Web 2.0 and Ownership

My dear friend Anne sent me a note today asking my opinion of web 2.0. My brief reply was simply, “defined as?” For a lot of people, that’s pretty much the problem. I considered sharing some thoughts on the epic lack of clarity that is web 2.0, but I figured I would

Just stupid

I really hate to use the word stupid to describe a campaign’s online efforts. It make me feel bad because I want to encourage political campaigns to do more online, and telling them they have done something astoundingly dumb would generally dissuade them from trying something else.
In Richard Pombo’s case, that may

They Like Us! They Really, Really Like Us!

Apparently the magic number in DC is 250,000. When ABC PAC opened its doors and the Rightroots effort kicked off, the effort to bring the GOP kicking and screaming into the era of Internet fundraising received barely any attention. Now that the PAC and Rightroots have brought a quarter million dollars in small

Aleksey Vayner

If you have ever had a friend who fabricated much of their life, or if you caught last week’s episode of How I Met Your Mother, you should relate to this one. I once discovered that a very good friend of mine was passing off details of my life as his own when he