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Ghost In The iPod

I have had a 5g iPod for about 5 months now, and I have noticed an odd tendency that leads me to believe something is seriously flawed in their shuffle function. I have dumped and completely reloaded my iPod on about three different occasions, and noticed the same behavior with all three sets of

In The Words Of Jim Morrison

The time to hesitate is through.
The final Rightroots Blogburst has begun. If you have not yet given to support the Rightroots slate, please consider doing so now. It’s the last two weeks of the campaign and if there is any hope of staving off disaster, it rests with good candidates

UW-Madison Infringing on Free Speech… Again

My alma mater has always been big on trying to make everyone feel warm and fuzzy inside. They think they need to be every student’s parents. They want to protect everyone that steps foot on university property from feeling hurt, challenged, wrong or inadequate in anyway. They don’t want to make their students better people;

More Bad News For Heather Wilson

Campaigns in New Mexico are generally won or lost by the GOP in absentee/early voting. A significant portion of our GOTV budget was always aimed at turning in as many votes as early as we could. The pachyderms are so successful in beating Democrats through absentee balloting that the legislature, almost every year,