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This Is Interesting…

I’ve long since learned not to rely too much on Drudge’s reporting. Sometimes it goes somewhere, often it doesn’t. If this one goes somewhere, it could be interesting, indeed.
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) secretly placed political operatives in the city of New Orleans to work against

Murtha and War Crimes

At least when John Kerry began making charges against the military and accusing them of war crimes he was young and rash. What’s Murtha’s excuse? If you’ve read much of my stuff, you know that I have my issues with the Administration policy in Iraq, but Murtha is way,

DVD Review – Derailed & King Kong

Once the kid was born, movies in theaters became a thing of the past. Now, the wife and I are big fans of NetFlix. A while back I started to create a recurring post called the DVD Review. The thought was, I’d offer thoughts on movies after the luster of their release

Daily Net Neutrality Screed

A friend sent this link to an April 10 Reason article on net neutrality. It’s a very strong argument. It actually raised another point I haven’t previously made.
If that duopoly [cable and telcos] were a given, though—a permanent fact about how we connect to the Internet—the

Oh What A Day!

My son turned one today. It really was kind of an amazing thing to contemplate. I had decided to work from home today so I could spend it with the little guy. That made me think about my own childhood. I don’t know that my own dad would have done that.

Why Does Anyone Read Kos?

Markos loves to stoke the fire of the left-wing conspiracy engine. Now he’s working on a theory that’s truly absurd on it’s face, and totally laughable underneath.
[W]hy did Bush revoke Executive Order 13011 today? What items are in the Executive Order (or perhaps not in the Order) that might