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Golden Globes Live

I have to give it to the Golden Globes people. I can’t stand to watch awards shows. They’re so boring and the winners insist on making political statements regardless of whether we care about their politics. I turned on the GGs for about 5 minutes and was treated to a lecture about

Screwing Around

It’s a slow posting kind of day because I’ve been screwing around with Windows toys… I can’t stand Apple, but I have to admit there are a few of their features that I really like – a case in point is the navigation bar.
Well now I have ObjectDock It allows

Hill Wars: The Conservatives Strike Back

The Financial Times has an interesting piece on the attempted resurgence of fiscal conservatives. Jeff Flake of Arizona is leading the charge to restore some semblance of self-control and honesty in Washington in the face of the scandals currently swamping our party.
I hope they are successful, but I hope they are successful in