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Interchangeable Words

Sorry for the radio silence. A good friend is getting married in Florida next weekend and I have been busy with work and planning a bachelor party this weekend. I probably would not have written until next week, but I heard something on the radio that irked me.
If you know me, you will

Locker Room Conversation

As I was changing clothes following my son’s swimming lessons tonight (he’s almost 20 months, so I was swimming and he was paddling/kicking), I overheard an interesting conversation. Two guys were talking about their kids. One made a fascinating comment.
I sometimes wonder if I’m actually doing a disservice to my kid by teaching

Washington, DC Customer Service

Since I moved here in 2000, I have noticed one continual trend in DC – customer service sucks. I think it’s due to the largely out of proportion ratio of the number of people who work in politics and for government to the number of people working in the service sector that supports politics

MittTV And GOP Failure To Think Outside The Box

In a comment on my post about Mitt’s site, David All posed a question about the site.
I’d be interested in your thoughts on MittTV and the site Рin general.
I started to reply about MittTV in the comments, but it became long enough to make a post… so here it is…
The one issue I