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Blogging, Voyeurism, and Flickr

I’ve been thinking for a while now about the voyeuristic nature of blogs and blogging. Bloggers are, by nature of what they do, voyeurs. They watch the world, often at some distance, and often anonymously. They then choose to pontificate on what they see.
Blog readers, who may or may not

Trouble For Political E-Mail

This could be bad news for political parties and candidates. The dirty little secret of e-mail and CAN-SPAM is the fact that political e-mail doesn’t count. CAN-SPAM applies to “commercial” messaging, not to “all” messaging. So political e-mails are considered political speech and therefore are not considered spam.
Now political parties have

The Left Is Full Of Shit

The left amazes me. The superiority complex they bring to every discussion is just amazing. I was reading an article about Brokeback Mountain being pulled from theaters and saw this little nugget from Dorothy Guzzell:
“As difficult as it is to look at something you don’t understand, it’s so important to do it.
Now I

The DVD Review

My wife and I have an 8 month old son. He’s just at that age where he’ll remain content for about an hour to 90 minutes, then start complaining in general terms. As a result, a first-run movie, unfortunately, is a rare occasion. So I’ve become NetFlix‘ biggest fan. I’m

Think This Is An Accident?

Oh… My… God… The Washington Post doesn’t even try to hide it’s tilt anymore. The image below was taken from the home page of WaPo at 2:34 (Actually it was 2;42, but WaPo’s clock is apparently not synched with a time server to guarantee it’s right).
While the headlines are all about Abramoff

This Is Just Stupid

Congress has done some really stupid things before, but this one takes the cake. Congress passed a law, which the President signed, that requires agencies to get the approval of Congress (the slowest moving land animal) before beginning any eGovernment projects.
So Congress, has actually made it harder for the bureaucracy to be effective.

One For The Gamers

Occasionally the time I spend surfing pays off with a nugget of gold from the depths of the Internet’s grimy crevices. Amongst the porn, Nigerian scams, ads for Viagra and online poker, and ads for every niche market of online dating service is a little jewel. The time I spend online helps me