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Death Row Redemption?

I’m getting just a bit tired of this recent wave of anti-death penalty sentiment. First there was the Tookie Williams case, then ABC launched it’s new series Injustice (based on the premise that people in jail aren’t actually guilty if we’d only take the time to re-examine their cases), and now we

New Toys, Much Excitement

Not much to report today because I’ve paid no attention to the world. Between work and a new laptop I’ve been setting up for the wife, it’s been a “no blog” kind of day.
I’ll get back to pontificating and bitching tomorrow, I promise.

IBM Think Pads Suck

For about the thousandth time, I started a post on this site, and fell victim to the stupidity of the IBM design team. You see, IBM (now Lenovo) has these two retarded little buttons next to the arrow keys (see picture left) If you’re using a web form, and accidentally brush up

Students Sexually Harassed

Shocking! That’s the only word for a new report that students in college are sexually harassed by their peers and TAs. 62% said they had been the victim of sexual harassment – which the survey described as “unwanted behavior [that] could include anything from suggestive glances to spreading sexual rumors and forced