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Music & Lyrics

Jumping off the topics of Net Neutrality and Presidential politics for a moment, let’s talk pop culture. With Little Quip closing on 2 years old and Baby Quip on the way, Mrs. Quip and I rarely get out to the movies. Most of our movie consumption takes place via red and white envelopes

My Last Word On Marcotte & McEwan

A colleague – and fellow blogger – and I were discussing the Marcotte situation. He raised two valid concerns that this would a) deter campaigns from hiring bloggers in the future and b) lead to a situation where an arms race of who can find dirt on the other guy’s blogger.
While I respect his

The New Season Of Lost

I was a bit concerned about the three month hiatus that Lost scheduled into its season. Six weeks on, 12 weeks off, and 16 weeks on didn’t really seem like a great idea to me. I have to say, though, I will accept it if the rest of the season is as good

Irresponsible Selective Perception

What constantly amazes me about politics is the ease with which partisans can ignore the worst traits of their own ranks while casting stones at the sins of those on the other side of the aisle. It is appalling the extent to which some will go to make a point, while pretending to be

Save Studio 60 Group On Facebook

If you have spent much time talking to me over the last four months, you have probably heard about my fondness for Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. The show has a relatively hardcore following amongst its fans, but a lot of people haven’t given it a chance. If you haven’t watched it,