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False Information About Net Neutrality

Proponents of the net neutrality debate have been citing a dubious explanation for their doom and gloom claims. The argument goes something like this:
Yeah, after a one year transition period, that’s gone, as a sort of sunset provision for the free internet sets. This is incredibly sneaky. What McCurry is doing is couching a

Say What?

Techdirt has an interesting post on the new intellectual property rights law floating through Congress. It seems the new bill imposes lengthy sentences for illegal use of entertainment – much longer than assault or kiddie porn trafficking, for instance.
For all the Democrats bluster about the Republicans selling out in favor of corporate interests,

A Strange Ad

One of the disadvantages to reading most of my news through an aggregator is I miss the ads that accompany the stories. It’s kind of strange to admit this, but I actually miss the ads sometimes. As a result, when I surf the sites normally, I usually pay close attention to the ads

Net Neutrality In A Nutshell

With the House Energy & Commerce Committee marking up the telecom reform package tomorrow and Wednesday, I have been getting a lot of questions from friends about Net Neutrality. Sadly, the left has taken up net neutrality as their cause du jour and together with a bunch of people who have a fundamental misunderstanding

Denise Richards’ Sworn Statement Against Charlie Sheen

If you’re a fan of the train wreck that is celebrity life and the media coverage of it, you’ll love this one. Denise Richards’ response to Charlie Sheen’s request for joint custody is an amazing read. It details his fondness for drugs, violence, porn, prostitutes, and generally wacky behavior. This is