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Kong Makes Money

Thank god for the international release…
Between it’s relatively weak showing domestically ($121 million so far) and it’s larger international release ($154 million so far), Kong has at least recouped it’s production budget ($207 million).

It remains to be seen whether the picture is actually profitable yet. After all, the $207 million is just production.

It’s Official. Country Music Kills!

This study is apparently thirteen years old, but it won an Ig Nobel Prize for Medicine last year and just came to my attention. It’s something we have known all along, but science has now confirmed it. Country music makes white people kill themselves.
Yup. It’s true. The study showed that


I’m somewhat disturbed this morning. I just looked at my traffic stats and saw something that makes me uneasy.
A week ago, I posted some thoughts on the movies Hostel and Wolf Creek. In the post, there was a reference to the inspiration for Hostel and the fact that the director had seen a

Bush Administration to Weigh in With Golddigger

I really don’t understand what is going on with the Bush Administration. For a President who claims he is a huge fan and student of Reagan, he is doing a lot of things that ring hollow when compared to the Great Communicator. The latest example really leaves me with a bad taste in

So Stoked About This

Underworld: Evolution comes out in just a few weeks (January 20 release date). Underworld is probably one of the better vampire/werewolf movies and I loved the idea of the two species fighting it out to see who gets to sit at the top of the food chain.
Honestly, when I heard about the sequel,

The Problem With The RNC

The RNC just sent out a statement regarding the John Kerry Impeachment joke. It illustrates everything that is wrong with the GOP. Rather than just hitting Kerry (and hitting him really hard) for saying something so astoundingly stupid, they decided to overreach, yet again, and make this about something it has nothing to

Shadowy Advertising Coming Soon to a Sit-com Near You

You knew it was bound to happen. TiVo ruined the advertising game because people were suddenly free to jump past the annoying ads that broke up their TV shows. Well the execs in Hollywood are smarter than you and your TiVo. If you won’t watch ads between segments of their shows, then,