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Future Theories & Predictions

I’m not a future theorist, but I like to play one on the Internet. I was recently asked to participate in a survey of technology professionals that explored future theories based on current technology. The form indicated the survey was confidential, so I will not divulge the entity conducting it or the exact

The Campaign I Would Like To See

Someone sent me a link to the YouTube video below and suggested I take a look at about the 35-36 minute mark. I admit, my curiosity got the better of me and I tried to skip ahead, but the gremlins at YouTube would not allow it. I ended up watching the whole thing.

Choosing Sides

Any time you have to choose between two sides in an ever-escalating public relations war, you run the risk of permanently damaging a relationship that may have been built up over years. That’s the unfortunate situation I find myself in lately. I’m caught in the middle of a very ugly, and very personal

The Democratic Primaries: One Republican’s Perspective

So throngs of Democrats are off to the polls today to vote in the Potomac Primary (I like that better than Chesapeake Tuesday). At stake are the delegates from Virginia, Maryland and DC. Having been subjected to the water cooler chatter of all my left leaning colleagues, I thought I’d weigh in on

Who Does The RNC Think Its Base Is?

I just got a ridiculous e-mail from the RNC touting the new Valentine’s Day cards you can send to friends. Make no mistake, they’re all lame, but there was one that really struck me as completely missing the point and at a fair distance from the prevailing view of the majority of Republicans.

At what

Spend It All! Mitt Breaks Fifty Million Heading To 70?

Good lord. I was perusing Mitt Romney’s FEC report trying to get a sense of how much money he has lent his campaign. I traded Tweets with Patrick Ruffini and Soren Dayton about ten days ago and we were ball parking the total amount he’ll loan himself at around $50 million. Now

The Three-Way Two-Man Race

Where to begin… So Supercalifragilistic Tuesday has come and gone, and now we’re left with fewer answers than questions. For instance, Will Obama sweep Chesapeake Tuesday (stupid name, I know, but that’s what they’re calling it) and drive the nomination fight into March and beyond? Will the Republicans three-way two-man race force