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ABC PAC, Rightroots, and the RNC

In support of the Rightroots effort, the RNC yesterday sent a fundraising solicitation to its supporters asking them to support the Rightroots effort. As a result, the initiative is approaching $175,000 raised for GOP candidates. A huge feat for an effort that didn’t exist 66 days ago, and hosted by a PAC that

Less Is More People

Attention all you happy political geeks who have just discovered this thing called the Internet and have realized how cool it is. Just because you love the Internet and just because you are addicted to your emails, IM, computers and everything political, does not mean that the rest of the world is as well. Stop

USDA Graduate School

At lunch the other day, my friend Anne reminded me of my favorite pet peeve about government. I’ve often wondered why the agencies engage in activities that have little to do with their mission.
For instance, the Department of Energy spent years, and several billion dollars on a