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When Animals Attack

Ok, so apparently the video of the lion attacking the hunter prompted a fair number of people to share some of their favorite animal attack clips. Some of these are truly awesome. Since my lion post claimed that you’re unlikely to be attacked by a deer (as opposed to the lion), I found this first clip to be the best, funniest, and most appropriate. This deer bitch slaps this poor hunter around.


Of the humorous clips, this one tied with the deer for my favorite.


Many of the clips I received were funny and some were tragic. Some of these were downright horrendous. I had seen a piece of this next clip with a startled bear attacking a woman in a TV studio, but I had never seen the full length clip. Not only does the bear attack the woman, but it then attacks a guy that tried to help her before turning briefly on its handler.


If I get better clips after this post, I’ll follow up with Animals Attack Part II, but in the meantime, I’ll leave you with one more. This little clip teaches us a valuable lesson – he who puts his hand in alligator’s mouth sometimes gets bit.


Written by Michael Turk