In Case You Missed It
I decided to migrate from the blog software I was using to WordPress. I had been using Geeklog to run this blog. I really like a lot of the features it has, but the version I was running did not support trackbacks and didn’t have a WYSIWYG editor. So I was doing a lot of coding by hand, and nobody knew I was talking trash about them.
Geeklog is working on a new version that is supposed to include those features, and they’re getting close, but I had to modify so much of their code to get the site running the way I want it to, and I really didn’t want to go down that path again when I upgraded.
So WordPress is now up and running. I’m working on replacing the polling feature, but so far the polling plug-ins for WordPress don’t seem to work with my configuration.
If you run into any odd behavior (the blog’s, not mine) please let me know (turk at kungfuquip dot com). I’ve tried to pick this apart and get the bugs worked out, but I’m pretty sure I have missed some.
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