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Democrats: Every Other Year We’re For A Minimum Wage Hike

PoliticsAhh… You can smell the election in the air. If I were completely deprived of calendars and any method of keeping track of days, nights, and years, I would know it’s an election year based solely on the e-mail Howard Dean and the Democrats send me.

Dear Fellow Democrat,

It’s been ten years since Congress last voted to raise the minimum wage.

Yup, that’s right. It’s been two years already – time for the minimum wage appeals to come out. I did a quick search (using a highly coveted and super secret news query service) and turned up 453 articles mentioning the word Democrats and the term “minimum wage” between January of last year and today. Only 198 were written in 2005, compared to the 240 written in the first 3 months of 2006. (15 have been penned so far in April). At the rate we’re going, we’re on target to reach nearly 1,000 articles in 2006. Aren’t election politics fun?

Granted the Democrats staged a minimum wage protest vote in October of 2005 , but it received little attention from the Democrat party and its affiliates. They were clearly keeping their powder dry for the election year.

It’s good to see a political party so committed to their ideals that they’ll bring them out of the closet, dust them off, and fight for them every other year.

Written by Michael Turk