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B-Roll Madness

I’ve noticed an odd trend in news coverage lately. It involves the B-roll that runs as they’re narrating segments. Quite often it has little or nothing to do with the story. Today, while catching some coverage of the Plan B contraception in a colleagues office, someone else pointed it out as well.

Stifling Liberty: Not Just For Democrats Anymore

I just received a lovely e-mail from Robert Byrd excoriating the Administration for stifling our individual liberties and running roughshod over the Constitution.
In my long career serving this nation, I have witnessed war and peace. I have seen turmoil at home and danger abroad. I have known statesman and scoundrels alike.
Yet never have I been

Been There, Done That Part II

About a month ago, I posted on the efforts to launch Since then, I have talked to a number of friends who did time with me at and we’re all pretty much in agreement on that. One of them said it best, “bad ideas never

US Airways Sucks

Usually the way corporate mergers work is a good, solid airline will buy up a smaller, crappy airline and the smaller crappy airline will be brought up to the standards of the better airline. It appears that hasn’t happened in the US Air/AmericaWest merger.
If you have ever flown AmericaWest, you know how bad they