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This Had To Hurt

Just looking at what’s left of this Ferrari makes me cringe. I can’t imagine being in that accident.
The cop’s statement in the video makes it clear who the real driver was… The passenger had blood on his face, but no blood on the air bag, while the driver’s side had blood on

To Blog Or Not To Blog, That Is The Question

I get a lot of questions from friends in politics asking whether their candidates should blog or not. It always reminds me of a scene from Joe Versus the Volcano.
Where would you like to go shopping?
I don’t know.

What do you need?
What kind of clothes? What is your taste?
I don’t exactly know.

I’m just hired

No Politics, Just A Tan

There’s nothing like 79 degree weather, a sandy beach, and drinks with little umbrellas to recharge your batteries. The wife, the kid and I split town for the weekend and went to Florida. It was awesome overall, but I was disappointed at times and pleasantly surprised at others.
Our hotel in Key West

The Hunting Accident

I’ve left this alone because I think it’s just a tragic accident. Hunting accidents like this occur and they almost always leave someone in pain and someone else feeling terrible. That’s bad enough.
With a figure like Cheney, though, the media jump in. In this case, they have used the incident to vent

Fixing FEMA

Michael Chertoff has all the answers… Now… About six months too late…
Unfortunately, his answers seem to rely on more government, larger budgets, and bigger agencies.
Adding details to past pledges, Chertoff proposed to create a full-time FEMA response force of 1,500 employees, instead of relying largely on volunteers, push “wrenching change” to integrate