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Explaining DC’s Irrational Fear of Snow

For my friends not in DC, let me explain the city’s tendency to fold like a cheap suit in the face of potential snow. It has noting to do with ACTUAL snow, but rather the potential impact on traffic.
Two years ago April and I had to go into downtown DC at rush hour. The government

This Is Why You’re Stupid To Vote Democrat

This video from “The Robin Hood Tax” in England is a perfect example of how an idea that sounds perfectly reasonable is actually an insidious cancer on society, and why you would be a moron to vote for it.

This is F**kin’ Sick!

At the 2013 Tecate Score Baja 100, driver Adrian “The Wildman” Cenni pulled off a 360 degree barrel roll in a truck. The video is simply awesome.


A HUGE Win for Gamers

The Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit today struck down the FCC’s attempt to enshrine ‘net neutrality’ principles in law. Net neutrality is like much nanny state policy – it seems like a great idea on the surface, but when you dive in, it’s a giant mess. Today’s decision is a big win for online gamers.

50 Years Ago Today, it All Began

1964 brought two things to America – my brother, and The Beatles. Only one of the two would go on to greatness. 🙂
Today marks the 50th Anniversary of Introducing the Beatles. Celebrate by spending a couple of minutes enjoying “I Saw Her Standing There”.

Why You Should Never, Ever Talk to the Police

Free advice from a criminal defense attorney who tells you to never talk to the police. The best part is a police officer in the audience that confirms he has NEVER had someone talk him out of being arrested based on their interview.