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Congressional Dems Brilliant Lobbying Reform Solution

I recently had a conversation with someone else in my office who does many of the same things I do. As we were talking, he was filling out his lobbyist disclosure forms – and claimed no “grassroots” lobbying time. Since I was told that all of the common activities we share were to

August Is Slow, And I Was Tired of The Black

If you’re actually browsing the site, rather than your RSS subscription, you may have noticed a change. Long gone is the white on black and in its place is something a bit more comfortable. I guess I have transitioned out of my Ramones/70s punk phase because it was starting to annoy me.
It’s a

My Personal Experience With Republicans and Racism

With all the discussion of “Republican racism” taking place as a result of Obama’s claim that McCain’s “risky” adjective is based on looks, I thought I’d weigh in. I have been involved in GOP politics for 15 years, and in that time I have never – not once – been involved in a discussion